Disclaimer and Intellectual Property Statement

Black Friday Deals Store is an online informative platform with a free membership and partially open content that is (mostly) contributed by voluntary individuals or groups, including the verified profile owners, establishment representatives, and random visitors willing to offer their valuable edits or opinions, to develop a common public resource of the shared and socially approved knowledge about buy merchandise, coupons, black friday, cyber monday, discount products, product reviews…, and other types of the public establishments belonging to ecommerce industry. This resource is provided for general informational purposes only.

The project’s structure allows anyone with an Internet connection to contribute to some part of the project’s content. The platform’s management strongly encourages people to contribute only legitimate content to help the Black Friday Deals Store provide an accurate and reliable listing of the premises, including exterior and interior photos of the site. products, detailed information, merchandise images, reasonable and independent comments or reviews of visitors.

The Black Friday Deals Store team continuously takes all reasonable and possible precautions to ensure that the information presented on their websites is of high quality and does not include any editing or including malicious or defamatory. While we have the technology in place as well as a team of content editors ready to moderate uploads, no system is perfect and unfortunately some inappropriate content can sometimes occur. can pass through the gap. In these rare cases, please report the material to us and help maintain the high quality of the content.

Please be advised that…

  • Nothing found on Black Friday Deals Store has necessarily been reviewed by people with the expertise required to provide you with complete, accurate or reliable information.
  • The information on the platform may be changed or removed without notice and is not guaranteed to be complete, correct or up-to-date.
  • The opinions expressed at or through the Black Friday Deals Store website are the opinions of the individual author(s) and may not reflect the opinions of the website administrators or establishment representatives.
  • The information provided here is being provided freely, and that no kind of agreement or contract is created between you and the owners, project administrators or users of this site, or anyone else who is in any way connected with this project or sister projects.
  • Any of the trademarks, business attributes (such as restaurant names) or other rights that are somehow mentioned in the website do not imply any use or purpose other than exclusively informational use and do not create any obligations or official representation.
  • Black Friday Deals Store does not take any responsibility for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in reliance on, any information appearing in this Website.

Content Contribution Rules

By uploading a file or other content or by making a comment, you confirm and warrant to us that doing so does not violate or infringe anyone else’s rights; and you created the file or other content you are uploading, or otherwise have sufficient intellectual property rights to upload the material consistent with these terms. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe on someone else’s personality rights or any type of copyright.

Make sure the content is safe and family-friendly; we don’t allow profanity, violence or vulgarities on Black Friday Deals Store. We will remove content that contains sexually explicit comments, prejudiced language, threats, or personal insults. Any content that describes or depicts first-hand participation in or advocates for illegal activities will be removed.

Privacy Statement

Black Friday Deals Store is committed to protecting the privacy of users of this website. We thoroughly do all the necessary to protect your personally identifiable information when you provide it to Black Friday Deals Store, and never divulge your information to third parties without your direct consent unless we are required to do so by law.

Notices of claimed copyright infringement (or other types of infringement)

If you discover anything on our website that you believe infringes your copyright rights, you may notify our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) office by sending the following information:

  • Identification of the copyrighted work or works claimed to have been infringed. If possible, please include your copyright registration number. If your work is not yet registered, please include a copy of the application to register the work that you filed with the Copyright Office.
  • Identification of the material on our servers that is claimed to be infringing and that is to be removed, including the URL or other information to enable us to locate the material.
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by you as the copyright owner, or by your agent, or by law.
  • A statement that the information in your notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner (or authorized to act on behalf of the owner) of the exclusive copyright right that is allegedly being infringed.
  • Your physical or electronic signature, or of someone authorized to act on your behalf.
  • Instructions on how we may contact you: preferably email

If you need to file a DMCA request, please use this form or email us at dmca@blackfridaydealsstore.net

Because a high percentage of DMCA takedown notices are not valid, we reserve the right to ignore DMCA notifications based on unregistered works. If the DMCA claim complies with the requirements (or at least with a sufficient number of the key points as suggested above), we will take down the requested content in reasonable terms. Once your DMCA takedown demand is satisfied, we will attempt to notify you if we have your correct contact info; otherwise, we are under no obligation to notify you regarding the removal.

We reserve the right to refuse to remove any material that in our view constitutes fair use. If we identify a content contributor as a “repeat infringer,” we will block or remove their images and terminate any accounts we have with them. Keep in mind that we reserve the right to remove any content at any time whether or not it infringes or violates any of our policies.